Welcome beautiful Soul. My name is Natasha, I am a Mystic Priestess of the Rose Lineage, Reiki Master, Inner Light Collective Mentor & Guide and I am here to walk along side you as you re-member your power, your wisdom and your deepest knowing of how absolutely incredible you are. ✨

Over the last decade I have been on a journey of deep healing. I experienced profound trauma over ten years ago and many life altering events in a short amount of time… one of which was becoming a Mother and it was only in a moment years ago, standing in my kitchen, that I knew… I had a lot of healing to do though I hadn’t given myself the opportunity yet. That needed to change. I could see beyond my pain, beyond my patterns, beyond my old stories to the woman I knew I was though was not embodying yet. And so my journey began.

My healing has brought me to a place in my life where I love and accept myself unconditionally; as well as my children, my partner and all those I meet. I have re-membered by divinity, my power, my magic.

My path has evolved to include helping others heal; to re-member their own power, wisdom and knowing. This path had brought me to a collective of glorious women, just like you and me, who yearn for connection, sisterhood and celebration of their own fierce awesomeness.

I invite you to join me in our collective. To take advantage of my private mentoring one on one sessions and my group virtual offerings. For my fellow parents: my new course designed for parents who wish to heal, evolve and be their best for their children is beginning soon. If you have been thinking about unschooling, radical unschooling and becoming the open hearted parent you know you are, please join us. The time is now. Our children need us to take this leap. You will not want to miss this.

I am here to help you remember your magic, power, wisdom and knowing. There are no gurus in this world. No one can tell you how absolutely amazing you are until you are ready to hear it, listen and embody that Truth. You are what you have been looking for. I am here to help you remember; to stand by your side, walk alongside you and be your biggest cheer leader.

Healing on our own is no longer serving us.

Being seen. Witnessed. Heard. Honoured. Held. This is the path to healing. Sacred sister support is the foundation of the Feminine that is rising. Soften into receiving the guidance and support your Soul is asking for.

You are not alone.

There are women just like you coming together for potent delicious healing. Join us.

– In Love and Devotion, Natasha

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